Windows 7 Presale!

So here I sit, typing on the Windows 7 box I’m setting up. Finally got around to adding the Windows Live suite of programs, of which includes Live Writer…the program I use to write and publish my blog entries (I say finally because I’m in no hurry to get this thing running like my old XP machine since it will all have to be redone in October, when Windows 7 will actually ship).

I must say that Microsoft has a lot going for it right now. Which brings me to this blog post. I just purchased 2, yes 2, copies of Windows 7 Home Premium from Best Buy. If you don’t listen to all the tech podcasts that I do, then you can be forgiven for not knowing of this pre sale, which was leaked to the tech press a couple weeks ago.

What makes this significant for me is that I usually don’t care that much. I bought a laptop for my Master’s program back in September and that had Vista on it…the first time I actually used a Vista computer and I was hooked.

I’ve always liked tinkering with computers and have had many chances to do so with computers from my father in law’s reseal shop; which is how I got a computer to put Windows 7 on in the first place. So not long after I first started using Windows 7, I decided that I need to keep using it!

Anyhow, Best Buy, and possibly others, are selling Windows 7 now…you can get the Home Premium upgrade for $49! That’s incredible! You can get the Professional upgrade for $99 which is even more incredible, but a bit of a waste unless you need the extra “business” functionality, which I don’t. One copy is for the computer i”m writing this on. The other is for my old XP box, which is moving across the room for the wife, since it’s a much better computer than her current one…especially after I put a new video card in it so it can use the Aero Glass functionality.

So there you have it. Microsoft is finally putting out something I’m totally excited for and am willing to upgrade to! Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

And now, the car of the day:

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Say Hello to the first ever Pontiac G3…and probably the last ever.




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It’s a copy of the Chevy Aveo…this is why GM is in bankruptcy…too many “badge” jobs.




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It’s a cute car but I’m not sure exactly how exciting you can make an econobox…

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